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Oļegs Daņiļcevs » Аудиозаписи
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Take Care This Feeling Will Pass
You’ve got me on a string
And you can’t see the marks it leaves on me
It’s not your fault
But I wish it was
I wish it was

And now I want to leave
Cause I can’t breathe
And I just have to ask
When this feeling will pass
Take Care You're Perfect
My list of regrets
Gets longer every day
All the chances I never took
All the things I couldn’t say

I can’t concentrate
On anything but you
I might as well say it
What else can I do

I’ve ruined everything
Just like I always do
I‘ve ruined everything
I had with you

I wish u felt
The way I do
It’s crazy to me
How much I need you

It’ll never get better
Than that night
I should’ve kissed you
When the moment was just right

But i didn’t
I didn’t
Even though

I should have
And every fibеr of my being told me to do it but I couldn’t
I should have
Causе I’ll never get that chance again
Cause you’re slipping away from me
Slipping away
Before my eyes
Before my eyes
Am I driving you away
Is it all my fault
Yeah is it my fault
It’s my fault
It’s my fault
I should’ve said
I should’ve said something sooner
I don’t know why i didn’t
But I should have told you sooner
I should have held your hand a little bit tighter
I should’ve
I should’ve
I should’ve known better
Than to fall for a girl
That’s out of my league
You’re a league of your own
You’re in a league of your own
You’re in a league of your own
Cause you’re perfect
And I should’ve told you sooner
Cause maybe it would’ve gone
Just a little bit better
And I wouldn’t be here
So alone
I wouldn't be here
Singing this song
I’d be with you
I’d be with you
Take Care Out In This Desert
Take Care Think Of Me Once In A While, Take Care
Take Care I Feel Like I've Been Shot In The Stomach
You’re in my head and I
Don’t know what to do
You’re in my head and there’s
Nothing I can do
You’re in my head
In my head

I see you two
Flirting with your eyes
And it feels like there’s a
Bullet wound in my side
Cause you are always on my mind
On my mind

And I don’t deserve you
Deserve you
No i don’t deserve you

But there’s something
There’s something
Yeah there’s something
Between us
Or maybe I was wrong
And maybe you don’t care
And maybe I was wrong
And there’s nothing between us
At all

I don’t know
I don’t know
I don’t know
I don’t know

But I know that you’re
You’re in my head and U
Can’t get you out of it
And I’d give you everything
If I could
You’re in my head
In my head

You’re in my head and I
Don’t know what to do
You’re in my head and there’s
Nothing i can do
You’re in my head
In my head
Take Care One Day
One day
You will call me
And we’ll meet
For coffee

And one day
I will die
And my body
Will go on fire
Take Care It's All My Fault
It's all my fault
Everything is wrong with me
What's wrong with me?

You're in my head
Growing like a bad week
A bad week

And oh
You're perfect for a guy like me
A guy like me

No, I never had a chance
With a girl like you

'Cause, oh
You're perfect
In every single way

You're perfect
In everything you do
In everything you say

I'm not here
Even though you see me
You can see me

I'm hollow
My insides are empty
They're empty

It's all my fault
For going and falling in love with you
Even though I told myself I shouldn't
And I knew that if I did, it would only cause
Years of pain

But I did it anyway
I went and I fell in love
With a girl who's perfect for me
She'd be perfect for anyone
But I wish she was with me

And she'll probably hear this
But I can't tell her it's about her
I'll just have to hope she knows
I'll have to hope she knows

It's all my fault
I should've cut her off
When I had the chance
Take Care All I Need Is To Feel Like Someone Could Love Me
Things are getting worse
Every day
I think it started
When you went away

All I need
Is to feel
Like someone could love me

Her words are salt
On a wound
And I’m hoping that something
Happens soon
Take Care Fall For You
I do it to myself
I overthink and fantasise
And I make up these crazy situations

I tried not to fall for you
Cause I knew you would never be
Interested in a guy like me
Like me

Staring through my soul
You see it
You see it too
There is a hole
In the shape
In the shape of you

The shape
The shape of you
Theres a hole in my heart
In the shape of you

You’re tearing out
Yeah you’re tearing out my insides
In a painful bloody mess

In writing these words
From the floor of my room
I’m curled up and pulling, holding my leg
When I should be holding you

Staring through my soul
You see it
You see it too
There is a hole
In the shape
In the shape of you

Staring through my soul
You see it
You see it too
There is a hole
In the shape
In the shape of you

Staring through my soul
You see it
You see it too
There is a hole
In the shape of you

And it’s gaping
And it’s sucking everything in
And it’s gaping
And it’s sucking everything in
That gets in its path
And it’s bringing everyone down
Yeah I’m bringing everyone down

Cause I’m thinking about you
And how you’re my missing piece
Theres a hole in my heart in the shape of you
But I’ve never said and you have no fucking clue

Staring through my soul
You see it
You see it too
There is a hole
In the shape
In the shape of you

Staring through my soul
You see it
You see it too
There is a hole
In the shape
In the shape of you
Take Care Destroy Me From The Inside Out
I’m so alone
And she’s with him
She could have anyone
And she probably will

Watching her
With blurry eyes
I can see her talking to him
And it’s eating me up inside

You destroy me
From the inside out
From the inside out

You destroy me
From the inside out
From the inside out