Данил Ипполитов
был в сети 28 февр. в 02:04

Данил (Дых) Ипполитов

пытаюсь выжить в интернетах since 2016.
Местоимения: он/его
Семейное положение: Не выбрано
Дата регистрации: 28 октября 2022 в 14:29
Родной город: Райчихинск
Полит. взгляды: Не выбраны
День рождения: 13 июля

Контактная информация

Электронная почта: [email protected]
Telegram: @DanilXGames
Город: Райчихинск
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@DanilXGames
Telegram-канал: https://t.me/dxg_yt

Личная информация

Интересы: Программирование, старые самсунги, графический дизайн, digital art
Любимые ТВ-шоу: Daniel Myslivets, Блуи, hoops&yoyo
Любимые игры: Geometry Dash
О себе: Сок Я Яблоко осветленный, 970мл
12 аудиозаписей
Tally Hall Good Day
I'd like to say hello and welcome you, good day, that is my name
Come here and sit down, I'm so glad you even really truly came
We can even go and take a walk or something like that, or something like that (We can even go and take a walk, or something like that) (We can take a walk)
But first I need to introduce my what and introduce my when

Let us sing! (Ahh, ahh-ahh)

Its name I like to call, it likes to say it's nothing (it's nothing, it's nothing)
It lives and breathes and it insists that, it insists (Woo!) that it is something (it's something)
It never liked to speak or run or walk or sleep or eat (Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah)
It even thought that everybody tried to thought to take its seat

Looking through glass eyes, give it a few tries
Nothing goes right in its time
Kill all its bad dreams, wonder 'bout no things
Circles and spirals in mind

But we know that this song is not about a no or yes or why
What's really truly what I say is that about a little sigh (ah-ah)
So come along I think I'm done, I think we're done, yes this is done
What's truly that I think about it and it thinks about a ton

Na, na, na, na-na-na
Let us sing! (Ahh, ahh-ahh)

Looking through glass eyes, give it a few tries
Nothing goes right in its time
Kill all its bad dreams, wonder 'bout no things
Circles and spirals in mind

I thought you knew I knew but
Why and by and why and by and by
I wanted you to know
I thought you knew but why and by and why

(Everyone loves a potato monkey...
I stepped on gum! I stepped on gum! Ohoho!)

Let us sing, let us sing
Let us sing, let us sing
Let us sing, let us sing
Let us sing, let us sing
Let us sing, let us sing (Birds and bees and television)
Let us sing, let us sing (Cardboard houses, x-ray vision)
Let us sing, let us sing (Many little silly rhymes)
Let us sing, let us sing (Things forgotten lost their time)
Let us sing, let us sing (Telephones and silly games)
(Periods and lots of question marks) Let us sing
Галилео Анонс
4 подарка
Стена 42 записей Все
ты не ты когда голоден

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