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Александра Вавейкина
была в сети сегодня в 03:37

Александра Вавейкина

Don't trust anyone.
Местоимения: она/её
Семейное положение: Не выбрано
Дата регистрации: 20 мар. в 13:53
Полит. взгляды: Не выбраны
День рождения: 13 июня 2002, 22 лет

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Telegram: @123

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Интересы: =)
Любимые цитаты: Будь собой, другие роли уже заняты.
23 аудиозаписей
Lady Gaga feat. Beyoncé Telephone
Miranda Cosgrove Dancing Crazy
I've got a feeling that it's gonna be alright
We don't know where we're going
And I don't know where I'm at
I'm kinda thinking I don't like nobody else
You know whatever happens, I will be right by your side
You, me in the spotlight
Running around till the end of the night
Hot, hot keep it coming
We can rock out till the early morning
You, me, going all night
We don't care who's wrong and who's right
Hot, hot, keep it coming
We can rock out till the early morning
Everybody's dancing, dancing crazy
And we never stop, never stop
Everybody's raging, raging crazy
Put your hands up
Put your hands up
I like you and you like me
We get together and we're happy
Did you hear me say that?
Did you, did you, did you hear me say that?
And I like the way that we kiss
You and me together like this
Did you hear me say that?
Did you, did you, did you hear me say that?
Another night
And so just crank that music up
We don't know where we're going
And I don't know where I'm at
It doesn't matter 'cause we always know what's up
I know whatever happens
You will be right by my side
You, me in the spotlight
Running around till the end of the night
Hot, hot, keep it coming
We can rock out till the early morning
You, me, going all night
We don't care who's wrong and who's right
Hot, hot, keep it coming
We can rock out till the early morning
Everybody's dancing, dancing crazy
And we never stop, never stop
Everybody's raging, raging crazy
Put your hands up
Put your hands up
I like you and you like me
We get together and we're happy
Did you hear me say that?
Did you, did you, did you hear me say that?
And I like the way that we kiss
You and me together like this
Did you hear me say that?
Did you, did you, did you hear me say that?
Oh, oh, uh, oh
Everybody's dancing, dancing crazy
And we never stop, never stop
Everybody's raging, raging crazy
Put your hands up
Put your hands up
Everybody's dancing, dancing crazy
And we never stop, never stop
Everybody's raging, raging crazy
Put your hands up
Put your hands up
I like you and you like me
We get together and we're happy
Did you hear me say that?
Did you, did you, did you hear me say that?
And I like the way that we kiss
You and me together like this
Did you hear me say that?
Did you, did you, did you hear me say that?
Katy Perry Hot n cold
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