Никита Трушин

Один альбом
Фотографии со страницы
Обновлено 29 декабря 2024 в 07:13

Никита (Liksor) Трушин

АнГеЛ Ф КеДаХ xddd
Местоимения: он/его
Семейное положение: Не выбрано
Дата регистрации: 29 декабря 2024 в 07:09
Родной город: Пенза
Полит. взгляды: Не выбраны
День рождения: 1 декабря 1999, 25 лет

Контактная информация

Telegram: @NikitaTrushinTG
Город: Пенза

Личная информация

Интересы: Рисование, музыка, кинематограф
Любимая музыка: Skrillex
Любимые игры: Minecraft, Копатель Онлайн
О себе: Гик
7 аудиозаписей
Korn Get Up! (feat. Skrillex)
[Verse 1]
I am clearly broken
And no one knows what to do
Pieces of the puzzle don't fit
So I pound them into you

Itching is the pulse inside
Creeping out to come alive
It's just doing what it's gonna do

Times are looking grim these days
Holding on to everything
It's hard to draw the line
Shut the fuck up, get up
Shut the fuck up, get up
Shut the fuck up, get up

[Verse 2]
I can't wait to rip my eyes out
And look at you
Peace through pain is precious
Especially when it's done by you

Itching is the pulse inside
Creeping out to come alive
It's just doing what it's gonna do

Times are looking grim these days
Holding on to everything
It's hard to draw the line
And I, I'm hiding in this empty space
Tortured by my memories
Of what I've left behind
Shut the fuck up, get up
Shut the fuck up, get up
Shut the fuck up, get up


Times are looking grim these days
Holding on to everything
It's hard to draw the line
And I, I'm hiding in this empty space
Tortured by my memories
Of what I've left behind
Shut the fuck up, get up
Shut the fuck up, get up
Shut the fuck up, get up
Linkin Park Papercut
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