Matty Mellis * Ru Group Подтверждённая страница
Название: Matty Mellis * Ru Group
Описание: This group is dedicated to the talented young magician Mattie Mellis. he started practicing magic when he was 5 years old when he first saw the card trick that his grandfather showed him. later became interested in cardistry and chip manipulation.
Одна тема
What was the very first trick you saw?
Обновлено 2 февраля 2023 в 13:34
Стена 26 записей Все
I am very glad that our group is becoming more popular every day. thank you guys!
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Today I have devoted all day to magic. I will pleasantly surprise you soon
Автор: Matty Mellis
Комментарии (2)  |  Поделиться
my favorite magicians:

Chris Angel, David Blaine, Paul Daniels, and Shin Lim
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magic is a very subtle and stubborn art that conquers the hearts of many people, but only a few reach the end. since magic is hard
Автор: Matty Mellis
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Тип группы
Это открытая группа. В неё может вступить любой желающий.
2 альбома
My Art
Обновлено 15 сентября 2021 в 12:58
videos from the club
Обновлено 4 октября 2021 в 03:22