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Владимир Мысливец
был в сети 18 сент. в 19:30

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Владимир (veselcraft/tailsxsu) Мысливец

Аист Марабу, выведи нас на тропу
Местоимения: он/его
Семейное положение: Встречаюсь
Дата регистрации: 18 ноября 2019 в 17:04
Родной город: Воскресенск
Полит. взгляды: Коммунистические
День рождения: 16 июня 2004, 20 лет

Контактная информация

Электронная почта: [email protected]
Личный сайт: https://veselcraft.ru

Личная информация

Интересы: Прогерство и YouTube
Любимая музыка: Autechre, Plaid, Aphex Twin, Enigma, Björk, Dolphin, Земфира, ГрОб, Oval, Brian Eno, JEEMBO, Kola Kid, масло черного тмина, Хаски, STED.D, pyrokinesis, IROH, OBLADAET, SUPERIOR.CAT.PROTEUS, GONE.FLUDD, SOPHIE, Куок, Слава КПСС, LTJ Bukem, Peshay, Валентин Дядька, ЗАМАЙ, System of a Down, Deftones
Любимые ТВ-шоу: В своё время любил смотреть викторины, например "Вопрос на засыпку" на ТелеНяне/Карусели или "Своя игра"
Любимые книги: Just For Fun Линуса Торвальдса
Любимые цитаты: "Люди всегда были и всегда будут глупенькими жертвами обмана и самообмана в по­литике, пока они не научатся за любыми нравственными, религиозными, политически­ми, социальными фразами, заявлениями, обещаниями разыскивать интересы тех или иных классов." В. И. Ленин, из сочинения "Три источника и три с…
26 аудиозаписей
Noize MC Вьетнам
Tyler Smyth Infinite
Yeah, yo!
I'm the tallest of mountains
I am the roughest of waves
I'm the toughest of terrors
I am the darkest of days
I'm the last one standing
Don't try to stand in my way
'Cause I've been up against better
Just take a look at my face
'Cause if you're messing with me
I am a dangerous weapon
I am the sharpest of blades
I'll cut you down in a second
'Cause I was born in this pain
It only hurts if you let it
So if you think you can take me
Then you should go and forget it
And after all this time, you're back for more
(I won't stop until they know my name)
So I'll take what's mine and start this war
(I'm coming at you like a tidal wave, tidal wave, tidal wave)
When everything you know has come and gone
(You are at your lowest, I am rising higher)
Only scars remain of who I was
(What I find in the ashes, you lose in the fire)
When there's no one left to carry on
This pain (persists), I can't (resist)
But that's what it takes to be Infinite
Yeah, so look around you and tell me what you really see
I never end and that's the difference in you and me
'Cause when your time is up and everything is falling down
It's only me and you
Who is gonna save you now?
So look around you and tell me what you really see
You live a lie and that's the difference in you and me
I have the power, let me show you what it's all about
It's only me and you
Who is gonna save you now? (Save you now, save you now, save you now...)
I am the tallest of mountains and don't you ever forget it
If you step in the ring then you're gonna regret it
'Cause if you're messing with me
Then you should know that it's over
I don't crumble for nothing
I've got the world on my shoulders
And after all this time, you're back for more
(I won't stop until they know my name, know my name)
So I'll take what's mine and start this war
When everything you know has come and gone
(You are at your lowest, I am rising higher)
Only scars remain of who I was
(What I find in the ashes, you lose in the fire)
When there's no one left to carry on
(This is an illusion, open up your eyes and)
This pain (persists), I can't (resist)
But that's what it takes to be Infinite
Yeah, so look around you and tell me what you really see
I never end and that's the difference in you and me
'Cause when your time is up and everything is falling down
It's only me and you
Who is gonna save you now?
So look around you and tell me what you really see
You live a lie and that's the difference in you and me
I have the power, let me show you what it's all about
It's only me and you
Who is gonna save you now? (Save you now, save you now, save you now...)
Неизвестен gabapen10 + voicecalliburt40 = блаха [email protected]
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