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Oļegs Daņiļcevs
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2 альбома
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Oļegs (rekcilwodniw) Daņiļcevs

Местоимения: она/её
Семейное положение: Замужем
Дата регистрации: 26 июня 2020 в 12:42
Полит. взгляды: Умеренные
День рождения: 9 августа

Контактная информация

Telegram: @rekcilwodniw
Личный сайт: https://instagram.com/rekcilwodniw

Личная информация

Интересы: пристальное наблюдение за потолком в три часа ночи
Любимая музыка: https://last.fm/user/rekcilwodniw
235 аудиозаписей
Take Care I'm Glad I'm Alive
I'm glad I’m alive
I'm glad I'm alive
And you’re the reason why
I'm glad I'm alive

I'm glad I'm alive
I'm glad I'm alive
I'm glad I’m alive
I’m glad I'm alive

I don’t know what i'd do if
I lost you
I'd have no one to talk to and
No one to share my
Problems with
'Cause when I see you around
It’s like a weight off my shoulders and
My feet leave the ground
And you know that I care
That I care about you
So please stick around
'Cause I don't know what i'd do
If you suddenly stopped
Talking to me
If you suddenly thought that
You should leave
I'm glad I'm alive
I'm glad I'm alive
And please stick around
While I finish this song
So I know that you know
I love you
German Error Message I See Now
I see
The ways that I have grown sometimes
No longer tall and leaving
Moving away from that old delineation
And will you be
Comfortable inside of me
The house creaks
The tired strings are breathing dust
Oh will you be
Comfortable inside of me
That oblique sheen of a thing
Not beaked or hushed

Will you grow close and full?
We will, we will, we will
Quadeca picking up hands
Touching the ground
Pick up my hands
Then I turn around
Covered in skin

It's that room, it's the wall, it's the poster and all
And the lamp was still swingin' its cord
It's the shadowy weight and the footsteps I take
Made a mark through the dust on the floor
And I saw
My mother's eyes
For the second time
For the second time (Yeah)

Same carpet I crawled in, same bucket I was washed in
I gave all that time to you, I was tryna figure out the faucets
Tall marks on the wall charts, it's the wrong parts gettin' longer
I was standin' so far away, I don't wanna go another day
I— samе basket you carried me
I need you thеre with me, I need you just down the hall
(Just down the hall)

[Verse 1]
I looked up and down, didn't wanna make a sound
I was so far away, I don't wanna go another day
I trace back the ground, flip my placemat around
Try to call, but the dog runs away from me now
I was starin' at the ceiling, I was fuckin' terrified (Oh God!)
I was tryna get these feelings out, inside, I'm paralyzed
Same old tree, seen it all peeking through the blinds
I can't do it, how I used to climb, gravity been getting used to my weight

Same carpet I crawled in, same bucket I was washed in
I gave all that time to you, I was tryna figure out the faucets
Tall marks on the wall charts, it's the wrong parts gettin' longer
I was standin' so far away, I don't wanna go another day
I— the same basket you carried me
I need you there with me, I need you just down the hall
(Just down the hall)

[Verse 2]
Follow me closely
I wanna know the place you've been
Lazarus skin
Picked up my hands

It's that room, it's the wall, it's the poster and all
And the lamp was still swinging its cord
It's the shadowy weight and the footsteps I take
Made a mark through the dust on the floor
And I saw
Another light
Under your door
Not like before

It's that room, it's the wall, it's the poster and all
And the lamp was still swinging its cord
(Follow me closely)
It's the shadowy weight and the footsteps I take
Made a mark through the dust on the floor
(I wanna know the place you've been)
Made a mark through the dust on the floor
And I saw
Another light
Under your door
Not like before)

By this point, I thought I would have answers
I thought that was the universal consolation prize
To say, "Thanks for playing, this is what the game was", you know?
Unspoken agreements that make perfect sense until you say them out loud
3 подарка
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