OpenVK English Подтверждённая страница
Название: OpenVK English
Описание: Official group of the OpenVK Project for English speakers.
Сайт: https://github.com/openvk
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User suggestions
Обновлено 10 янв. в 12:06
Стена 41 записей Все
To broaden the scope of the community, we have opened a server on Discord!

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Due to an increase in requests for page deletion through support, we have decided to stop processing such requests, except for compelling reasons (e.g. life-threatening or so-called “doxxing”). This consumes our time and slows down the deletion of the user's page itself.

It is forbidden to abuse this. If every second request to our support for this reason, we will ignore such requests altogether.

Despite all this, your page can always be deleted via one button in the settings.
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OpenVK Legacy is now in the official F-Droid repository

Since we are an open source project, it was just a matter of time before we got to F-Droid (f-droid.org/), the FOSS applications directory. The applications there are independently rebuilt from source code, which guarantees the reproducibility of the build process. In addition, updates are available to F-Droid users.

How to install:
0. If you already have OpenVK Legacy installed, uninstall it. The signature of the versions from F-Droid is different, which blocks installation over builds from other sources.
1. Download the F-Droid app (f-droid.org/F-Droid.apk).
2. Find OpenVK Legacy in the directory and install it.

Note that updates in the catalog appear with some delay (1-2 days) and first-hand builds are available in our channel (t.me/+C0SDKSrbc2ViYWJi) or our own repository (repo.openvk.co/repo/) (HTTPS - repo.openvk.uk/repo/).
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The number of users has exceeded the mark of 10,000 people!
? :3
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We announce the open beta testing of the official OpenVK Legacy Android app!

We'll open it very soon, more details later.
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? We also shipped recently a major update to web version: introducing polls.

You can now ask your subs for opinions on different… stuff. While the polls are still in early stage of development, you already can:
• create polls with up to 10 answer options ✨
• make them anonymous ?
• disable vote retraction (quiz mode) ?
• set expiration time ⏳

Multiple choices are available as well. We plan to gradually extend functionality of polls in the nearest future (implement vk api + fix some bugs).
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Previously, in OpenVK it was impossible to understand where exactly a person posted his post (unless, of course, you click on the link "on the wall").

In the latest update we have fixed this, now next to the name of the author you can see the name of the community/user on whose wall it is written.

For the more curious people, we also added pop-ups, which show the avatar and description when hovered over. The same pop-ups also work for the signatures under the post.
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Did you accidentally leave your phone at your friend's house and he started texting obscene things on your behalf?

There is a way out - there is a magic button on the site, "End all sessions", which exits all devices from your account (except the one you're sitting from right now).

With this button and the account is safe, and the person does not have time to write any nasty things.
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There's a new section on the site - Applications.
And after that you probably immediately ran to upload your games and applications to the site, but don't rush with it...

Because the app is now just a site that opens in OpenVK itself (that is, it is an IFrame insert). Flash support will be added later.

Then what can they do?
- You can run the application and add it to yourself
- The app can use the API (only after receiving permission from the user)
- Publish entries on the wall on your behalf (again, after full approval from the user)
- Request votes to perform any action.

For more details about the API for applications and other things click here - github.com/openvk/openvk/pull/674
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"Social media is a useful tool, but it happens to take up more time than you can afford."

You may ask us, what was the point of the text above just now? And the point is that we have implemented a function to delete a profile.

We love and appreciate our users, but there are those who may not like the site or just want to stop using the site for a certain period of time. We do not protect you from this in any way - you have every right to do so. In the past, it was possible to request a complete deletion of an account through support, but now things are getting a lot easier.

This function can be found in the settings. Before we delete your account, we'll ask you to answer one thing that we want to make the site better. But before the account is completely deleted, you have a period of time in which you can change your mind and restore everything back.

Still, stay with us, sunshines ??
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