sending waves through public internet connection
a network of individual nodes
6 am, recovery.
photos of abandoned railway stations,
pictures of cars burning on a cloudy day.

the space generally silent. a gas
station with stable thru traffic,
each subsystem interdependent.

traffic light flashing in a pattern,
one red,
one yellow,
empty highway.

connected devices speeding past at 70
kilometers per hour,
constantly updating protocol,
asking friend for directions.

turn right at the next crossing,
past the gas station,
over by the construction
site for that big new bank
(or yoga studio
or drone site
or civilian infrastructure,
say, a library,
or some sort of venue where weddings are held
every other week).

humidity high.
leaving water traces on windows,
clouding lenses. each summer hotter,
more direct.

navigating through these spaces proving
to be more difficult than anticipated.
expecting to
see a welcome sign, originally installed circa
two thousand and three, recently
redesigned and placed again, possibly
around twenty fifteen.

somewhere around the next exit
there is a building where everyone uses
military time -- oh eight hundred

more efficient.