Всяко разно делает
Vim! Suomen Rankki-raid
-vim!/elt&p303- aug96 (1996)
Vim! Painting Plastics
-vim!/mono+elt-mar'96 (1996)

Vim: "What a load of that! A strain on the old needle, this one."
Vim! Oh my god
-kb-zip- april 1995

Vim: "Right! I've had it up to <here> with dis module! So if u think some (if not all) of this is crap, then join the club! I started off bored and it went near vertical from then on. Enough!"
Vim! Gonk
-vim!- october 1995

Vim: "Peel'n'Stick, to a flat surface... But remember you are dealing with a freebee with feelings - and yes, it is okay to cut off their tail... in fact i strongly advise it.
Vim! Blue Carrier
- kbx128 / calypso -
july 1994

Vim: "A bit old-fashioned (?) quality but still boring."
Vim! Piaget
=kb-zip= june 1995