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Василий Климин » Стена
67 записей
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ты заебал
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ты пидорас
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В чём смысл? Какого хрена ошибка на 18й строке?
9: protected $tableName = "photos";
10: protected $fileExtension = "jpeg";
12: protected function saveFile(string $filename, string $hash): bool
13: {
14: $image = Image::fromFile($filename);
15: if(($image->height >= ($image->width * pi())) || ($image->width >= ($image->height * pi())))
16: throw new ISE("Invalid layout: expected layout that matches (x, ?!>3x)");
18: $image->save($this->pathFromHash($hash), 92, Image::JPEG);
20: return true;
21: }
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After the ban of my Twitter page, I can say for sure that the Democrats and liberals have seized power in America! Biden will destroy the US economy due to Coronavirus measures and lower the value of the dollar in the market. In schools, children will be taught LGBT lessons and will break the American family. Gays, transgender and feminists will write their rights on our land! They will not soon understand what they have done to our country. Another impeachment has already been announced, but I don't understand why. I'm already thinking about where I will spend the rest of my life, if you want to help, then write in the comments where I will go to live.
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