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там была другая история но суть сводится к тому же
Arion Internet Rebellion
It's like we've worked for two entire decades
Developing something that gives each of us
The ability and access to express ourselves as individuals
What happened to our freedom?
It seems that this is yet another force field
The government has inflected upon us to enable more control
More power
Why do we have the least of the say?
Why is it that the uneducated of the internet
Are the ones calling all the shots?
The ones that don't understand the concept
Of the world wide web
Each and everyone of us is a product of the internet
The internet is a product of us
It has grown with us and nourished within our generation
And as it stands now
I will not let it be taken control of
By some power hungry motherfuckers

Fuck S.O.P.A.!

The internet allows us a chance at gaining more access to tools
Which would in turn, speed the process of learning
Communicating, and sharing
It enables us to gain awareness
Of what's happening across the globe
And share what we see or hear
Social networking sites have granted us the ability
To share information that much easier
Songs, pictures, videos
How could something as simple as posting a link
Generated by the internet
Be classified as copyright infringement
Therefore forcing sites to feel obligated to take them all down
What would the internet really be without
Reblogging, reposting, retweeting
The internet was created to make lives easier, not harder
The internet was developed, to break our limits
Not create them

Oh yeah

Fuck S.O.P.A.!
