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Ash + Crystal Castles + Hikk » Стена
318 записей
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илья поставь на аву теизла пж а не её подругу
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contet warning: чёрный слегка юмор гыг

обновите неактуально
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Моя новая ава
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заебал(а) спамить своим сайтом, ещё раз увижу спам, я в техпод обращусь.
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Their chloroform
Sub to counterpart
That one's not too hard
Their chloroform
Come to mean remorse
(Unintelligible) ants with tar
Beside those
I'll use it
There, there
Caused and afraid
Since I'm being portrayed
(Unintelligible) away
Their chloroform
Something to desire
Beside those
I'll use it
There, there
Beside those
I'll use it
There, there
There, there
There, there
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