Jazmin Rocio
была в сети 25 янв. в 14:24

4 видеозаписи
La sirenita japonesa
25 октября 2022 в 06:42 | Комментарии (0)
Kurama y yukina (corto paseo p…
23 октября 2022 в 18:14 | Комментарии (0)

Jazmin (jazminrocio) Rocio

Один подарок
Стена 10 записей Все
#nokia #apps #s40
Nokia s40 Apps and Games
⏺Applications and games for nokia and Others cell phones +
Welcome to the page of applications and games for Java,
The purpose of this page is to bring the old java applications. focused on all Java and not just Nokia. (for fun)

⏺ You can find a minimum list of all applications here:
- app.box.com/s/1o4ne7zr5wyngeivp163hyk81m4l96sp

Blog (currently about some tutorials):
⏺Telegram group:
Nokia apps and Games >
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#Openvk weighs too much to be legacy of old android since february 16 it went from 8mb to 14mb to 41mb
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#nokia #device #telegram #group #asha #s40 #old #series #phone #series40 #s40 #apps if you have a nokia asha s40 device you are invited to join the group for Nokia apps s40 apps and games on telegram:
#series #phone #phones
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#jabber #transport #clients
#groups #telegram #conference
Jabber ? World ?!
(Your central #worldwide jabber/Xmpp protocol community based on basic instant messaging to this day)
Conference: [email protected]
Web: symbigram.com
Telegram group: t.me/jabberworld
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#symbian #nokia #retro #old #s60
symbian world you group for symbian os phone support
if you have a nokia symbian you are invited to come
we are on telegram:
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#j2me #nokia #s40 #phone
Looking for recent software for your old phone? you've come to the right place.
you can visit nokia #apps s40 on #telegram: t.me/nokiapps40 #games and apps
and latest software from the hand of arman #youtube and more
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Well after trying ?penvk I find that there are still several things to fix, for example starting with... the video playback part... but the network has a future. Congratulations
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So far I haven't been able to make much friends here.
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