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Название: OpenVK English
Описание: Official group of the OpenVK Project for English speakers.
Сайт: https://github.com/openvk
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User suggestions
Обновлено 15 декабря 2021 в 17:25
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? Did you know that you can use OpenVK on older cell phones?

Not so long ago we adapted our API for VK4ME client, and the developer in return added official OpenVK support.

So get your old cell phone out of your drawer, install VK4ME (you can get the latest version here - vk4me.crx.moe/) and test it!

The client does not work much (for example, not open documents or history of dialogue), but still we will be glad to your bug reports and pull requests.
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? We remind you that a mobile app is in development right now, running on top of a compatible VK API.

One version of the application is being developed specifically: Legacy - for older Android versions no older than 2.1 (written in Java).

? If you want to speed up application development, then:

?‍? Finalize our product API via Pull Requests (there's even a chance to get on the development team!), you can see the bare API here - github.com/openvk/openvk/tree/master/VKAPI.

? Create your own versions of the application - for example for Symbian or even on React + VKUI, still expand the user base will be useful.

You can find the API documentation here - docs.openvk.su/.
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Now you can support the project not only with rubles, but also with TON. And get votes for this.

In the settings there is a way to donate and top up your balance through the cryptocurrency TON.
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In the interface settings, we made the choice of the main page of the site: now you can choose which section to open when you click on the logo in the site header or when you enter the domain in the browser.
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"For some reason everyone in OpenVK forgot about the fact that people sometimes change their mailboxes" - so wrote one of the users of the official instance in his message to support

We remember! So now you can change your email address in the settings
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...and a thousand commits!
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In the meantime, we have a hundred stars on GitHub!
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API documentation is live: docs.openvk.su/openvk_engine/api/api/
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Votes to rating conversion

Now you can increase rating by votes for yourself or any other user. To do this, click on the "Increase rating" button on your page.
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While I'm eating porridge, it's worth talking about new small innovations:
* Names have been temporarily restricted. Now only Cyrillic and Latin are allowed. Temporarily, because at the moment I'm too lazy to fix it, because this innovation was made by Celestora. And because of this innovation, the ability to NOT use surnames also fell off. Today I returned it.
* And I also added the "hometown" field, because in the database the value with it hung like a lone star, so I decided not to listen to Mitasov, and still pick a star to hang it on the "editing" page in the "main" tab.
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