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Название: OpenVK English
Описание: Official group of the OpenVK Project for English speakers.
Сайт: https://github.com/openvk
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Обновлено 15 декабря 2021 в 17:25
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We are releasing Public Technical Preview 3!
To motivate developers and understand the progress we have made, we are returning to the practice of releasing regular Public Technical Previews. The previous Public Technical Preview was released about a year and a half ago and since then we pushed over 800 new commits into the repository. A full list of changes can be read here (github.com/openvk/openvk/compare/public_preview_2...public_preview_3).

Therefore, we are happy to announce that we are releasing the third (github.com/openvk/openvk/releases/tag/public_preview_3) preview! This event does not directly affect the main instance (all changes will appear there immediately), but it will be quite convenient for those who want some stability (although be warned, OpenVK itself is not yet considered stable).

The more valuable role of these releases is that we plan to write various features on the site in advance, which brings some clarity to what will be implemented next. So, for example, here (github.com/openvk/openvk/milestone/2) you can see our plans for Public Technical Preview 4, which will be released in early May.

Also, releases are a good opportunity to look back and see what we managed to implement. Thanks to this, we see that the development does not stand still, but is actively moving forward (although there is no music yet).

Once again, thanks to everyone who contributed to our project, to those who use our site. And for those who, thanks to the release, found out about our project, we invite you to stay, because we have not yet reached the end.
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Now in order to register in OpenVK, you need to confirm your email
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If you often use the mobile theme, and if you have any statements and suggestions for it, then please write them at the link: github.com/openvk/mobvk/issues
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We have returned the list of donators! The link to the group is in the same place where it was before.

Also we need money for a host for next month.

How to donate: openvk.su/donate
Your name will be added to the new list.
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We rewrote the rules

Yes, they exist. Now the rules have become simpler and clearer. Links to openvk2.veselcraft.ru were also removed and an English translation was added.

You can read them here: openvk.su/about
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A new banner in the left menu in Russian reminds you that you can support the site.
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Now 800 commits ?
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Information about the instance

Now OpenVK has a page that collects all information about an instance in one place.

1. Brief statistics
2. List of administrators
3. List of the most popular groups
4. Rules

You can access it through the link at the bottom of any page.
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Now there will be fewer posts of the same type in the global feed

Group admins can now hide their group posts from the global feed. If you are the administrator of a group that publishes many posts at once, we recommend that you do this.
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